The Earthing book focuses a good deal on inflammation. In it, they suggest that the ground beneath our feet is the “original anti-Inflammatory.” In other words, the biggest anti-inflammatory on the planet is, well, the surface of the planet itself. If proven true, that’s a pretty neat design-by-nature. In the book, they make a strong argument about how contact with the Earth, either by being barefoot outside or sleeping or sitting on Earthing products indoors, quenches inflammation by allowing the Earth’s infinite supply of negatively-charged electrons to rise up into the body and snuff out the hitmen of chronic inflammation, the free radicals. The theory of the Earth as an anti-inflammatory had never been mentioned before in research. It is still just a theory but what else explains the way that Earthing knocks down inflammation?
I have just returned from Melbourne where I took my 95 year old father-in-law an earthing sheet. Col has suffered from arthritis all over his body for over 30 years. 2 years ago he fell and broke his back which was mended with a plate and screws. I went to see him again the morning after placing the earthing sheet on his bed, and he told me he had NO arthritis pain! He went on to assure me that NOTHING was going to take away his injury pain, but blow me down, the following day he told me the injury pain was greatly diminished as well! I feel so blessed to be able to help him with his pain control and I believe he will be soon knocking those meds off as well! Here he is - one happy chappy!
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